Blue Chair Bay Coconut Rum

750ml Bottle

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    Blue Chair Bay
    Fishbowl Spirits, LLC
    26.5% Alcohol
    Gluten Free
    Gluten Free , Gift
    Product Description

    Blue Chair Bay Coconut Rum is a premium blended rum that was developed and inspired by owner and founder, country singer Kenny Chesney. It is blended from the Island's original coconut recipe. This is coconut rum the way it was meant to be, original strength and smooth as an ocean breeze. It's inspired by the places where you sail up, swim ashore, and pay for a round with wet money. Now being served in places where shoes are not an option. Blue Chair Bay Coconut Rum has moonlight white and crystal clear color. The aroma has fresh, sun-ripened coconut with a breeze of Caribbean rum that gives coconut, creamy, smooth full and round body. The taste has Island coconut, followed by a soft, flavorful expression of classic Caribbean light rum. The finish is warm with lingering sweet coconut steeped in a light and refreshing Caribbean rum. Blue Chair Bay Coconut is a bolder coconut rum with robust flavors that is perfect for an afternoon with nowhere to go and nowhere to be. This genuine, beach made rum is ideal on its own or in a mix. Enjoy!